Strategic Planning Priorities

The following Strategic Planning Priorities have been approved by the Southern Network Board of Directors (2017).

  • As an organization, these strategic planning priorities are the point on the horizon toward which our ship will be steered. They are long-term goals and destination of our voyage and they will inform our decision-making, day-to-day operations and work plans.
    - Margaret Swan, Chairperson Board of Directors

Strategic Priorities of the Southern Networ

Strategic Planning Priorities

  • Build on our cultural foundation, not a mainstream child welfare foundation.
  • Adopt, support and promote a customary care model, focused on programming that prevents the break-up of our families.
  • Improve our communication with clients, partners and political leadership in order to build trust and collaboration, and to promote our brand.
  • Forge new and more effective funding arrangements.

We are taking care of our own.

If you would like to learn more about our organization, the services we provide or our member agencies, please feel free to start a conversation.

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